"As we continue on this journey of spiritual growth, God's Way is determined to be a bible-fed church."

St. John Baptist Church
Under the direction and guidance of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Pastor Derry G. Hinton, Sr. formed St. John Bible Church. Pastor Hinton along with Assistant Pastor Richy A. Collin, St. and associate minister Jimmy Thorne Jr. helped laid the foundation for the church.
St. John's first services were held on Jan 3, 2008 at the Meal on Wheels building on Roberson road in Tyler, TX. That first year brought Pastor Hinton and four new sons in the ministry accepting their calls to preach the gospel.
St. John set up building fund on September 7th and held the First Communion and every 1st Sunday after that.
Rose of Sharon Baptist Church
Rose of Sharon Baptist Church was founded in October of 1993 by Rev. Donald Flinn and a small group of believers at the home of David and Artis Johnson. A prayer vigil was held from Feb 2-4 of 1994. On Feb 6, 1994 Cornerstone Baptist Church was formed.
They had 32 members with the mission
to reach the unsaved people with a family ministry that included biblical scholarships, social commentary and afro physics. In July 1994, the name was changed to Chief Cornerstone Baptist Church.
Rev. Flinn announced that October 31, 1999 would be his last sermon as Pastor. He and Rev. Harvey L. Starling would co-pastor until then. On September 12, 1999, Rev. Starling preached his first sermon and announced the church's theme and name of the church. "To Know and To Make Him Known (John 3:16)" and the name to Rose of Sharon Baptist Church.
In the Fall of 1995, land was purchased at the current location. On March 1, 2003, worship service began in the mobile chapel purchased earlier. November 7, 2004, the first worship service in the new chapel. On October 8, 2009, Rev. Harvey Starling submitted his resignation.
In, October 2009, Rev. Donald Flinn became interim Pastor for three months. On December 27, 2009 Pastor Donald Flinn preached his last sermon as Interim Pastor for Rose of Sharon Baptist Church, Tyler TX. St. John members and Pastor Derry G. Hinton, Sr. were in attendance.
Rev. Flinn approached Pastor Hinton with the proposal of uniting Rose of Sharon and St. John Bible Church. Rose of Sharon was praying for a Pastor and St. John was praying for a building.
January 10, 2010, was the first official service of Rose of Sharon and St. John. We enjoyed fellowship with each other through family week and church picnic in May of 2010. On June 27, 2010, Pastor Hinton revealed the name of the new union of Rose of Sharon and St. John as GOD'S WAY BAPTIST CHURCH